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Homepage search engine optimization – How to be found on Google


Are you planning a digital marketing website or have you already set up an online business? Are you worried about a lack of sales and traffic? Do you have an idea on how to rank higher and drive traffic to your website? If not, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, search engine optimization (SEO) is like the lifeblood of a website and possibly your business. Without SEO, you may not be reaching the target audience and maximum potential of your online business.

In this article you will find all the information you need to optimize your website for search engines. This way, your website will receive more traffic and your content will be visible to as many people as possible online.

homepage suchmaschinenoptimierung unter berücksichtigung der onpage struktur

What is SEO?

You may be wondering what SEO is and how search engine optimization works for your website. SEO stands for search engine optimization. Simply put, it’s the process of designing your website so that it reaches people searching for companies and products on various search engines.

How to optimize your homepage for Google

Google is the most widely used search engine as it offers a variety of products and practical services that can help you run a business. If you manage to make your website pages visible in search results, you have more chances of reaching target customers and increasing sales.


How does SEO work?

Knowing how SEO optimization works is pretty technical. Search engines have bots that go from website to website and crawl pages on the web. Then these bots collect the information about these pages and add them to the index. It’s just like a big library where books are your required information or web pages and the librarian is the search engine that retrieves the book or your required information for you.

Other algorithms take several ranking factors into account and analyze the pages in the index. When you search for a query in the search engine, the algorithms determine the order of the search results, taking several ranking factors into account. Searchbots also assess the user experience and decide which website provides the best answer or which website covers the maximum information the user needs.

Organic traffic comes to your website via SEO, and you don’t have to pay for it. You’ll often see paid feature ads at the top of the page in search results. These are paid searches, also known as search engine marketing or SEM or PPC (pay-per-click).

However, there are several SEO tools available, none of which cover all ranking factors. SEO experts use best practices for search engine optimization of websites, either manually or with the help of tools.

Let’s take a look at some ranking factors that are necessary for the search engine optimization of a website.

High-quality content

Keyword research

Website optimized for mobile devices

High loading speed (page speed)

Page structure

Page experience

On-page SEO

Meta tags

Header tags


You can rank higher in search results by optimizing your website and taking these factors into account. In addition to these factors, search engines take into account thousands of other smaller factors that are not open to everyone. In fact, these are the secrets to search engine success.

What are the 4 types of SEO?

First of all, you should know how the search engine works before you apply SEO techniques. If you keep all elements in mind, you can rank higher and generate more sales.

These SEO techniques help Google understand your website and include it in the most relevant search queries.

Onpage SEO

Onpage SEO means optimizing the content of your website, including keywords, headings, content body, meta title, images, meta description, etc. You search for the related keywords, with a high search volume and low competition. Once you have selected the right keywords, you provide them to a team of content writers to write the content and add the keywords to the content body.

Optimizing metadata is also crucial as it gives the search engine and users information about the page content. Therefore, you should optimize the entire page by adding relevant content and keyword phrases in titles and meta descriptions.

Including internal links from high authority websites in the related keywords in your content will also help the page rank.

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Offpage SEO

Offpage SEO includes all offline strategies to increase visitors and sales. Link building is one of the most commonly used practices to generate more attention and sales. You can contact reputable websites to link to your website. Several websites offer paid guest posts, so you can find a relevant website and publish your posts there, including the link to your website. It helps searchers find your website by clicking on the link.

Local SEO

Local SEO makes your website visible to local customers and helps to promote your products in the local community. If you meet the requirements, you can rank in Google My Business Profile. Google values proximity, relevance and your response to searchers to rank you in the local market.

You can improve local SEO by:

  • Write customized Google landing pages
  • Optimize your local business profile
  • Build local connections
  • Add spam submissions in Google My Business
local seo über den google my business account spielt eine wichtige rolle bei der homepage suchmaschinenoptimierung

Technical SEO

Technical SEO includes practices that make a website more user-friendly and help search engines crawl it.

Speed of the website

Keep the design simple and limit redirects to reduce loading time.

Mobile friendliness

Optimize your website for mobile devices to make it easier to search on cell phones.

Consistent URL structure

Ensure clear navigation and use HTTPS hypertext so that search bots can easily search your website.

Search engines evolve daily, depending on the user experience. So you can’t rely on the same ranking factors for a website. Therefore, update your website content regularly and familiarize yourself with the new ranking factors. Also take the opportunity to carry out a technical SEO analysis at least once a year.

A conclusion on homepage search engine optimization:

Different search engines take hundreds of factors into account when ranking a website. You can optimize your website and get more traffic by using the four SEO techniques in this guide. Without SEO, you shouldn’t invest your time and effort in digital marketing. With SEO, you can reach target customers and generate more sales by promoting your business.

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